Eliminating Emotions in Trading

optionpub | October 17, 2022

The psychology of investing not only affects individual investors but also affects the market as a whole. Many investors often underestimate or are unaware of the affects that our emotions have on our return on investment. Many well educated and competent traders lose money due to trading anxiety and trading emotions. In today’s article we […]

The 52 Week Pop Strategy

optionpub | October 14, 2022

Learn To Day Trade with the 52 Week Pop Strategy Today I’m going to teach you a great momentum strategy. This is one of the first strategies I teach people who want to learn to day trade Stocks, Futures and Forex markets. One thing I observed over the years is markets tend to get volatile […]

A Simple Low-Risk, High Probability Options Strategy

optionpub | October 13, 2022

Selecting a Low-Risk Entry Point One of the simplest but most effective entry timing indicators are the Keltner Channels which can quickly and easily be downloaded from investing websites such as www.StockCharts.com. Steps for down loading the Keltner Channels follow. The Keltner Channels function as an overbought/oversold indicator that can help us select a buy point […]

Leveraging Market Forces to Your Advantage

optionpub | October 12, 2022

After decades of trading most all major markets, the biggest trading lesson learned is the importance of using options for the unmatched trading benefits they offer. Options, used correctly, can provide any trader a much higher degree of trading success due to the defined, controlled risk and great leverage for generating Big Gains. At Power […]

A Trading Strategy that Covers Your Living Expenses

optionpub | October 11, 2022

The cost of living is expensive.  Think back 20 or so years and see if you can remember what you thought it would cost to send your kids to college, or what the price of groceries would be.  Are your utilities higher?  Between currency devaluation and inflation, things cost much more now than we expected. […]

Hunting for Short-Term Pullbacks

optionpub | October 10, 2022

Today I’m going to you one of my all-time favorite indicators to help you identify high probability trading opportunities in different market conditions. One of my all-time favorite indicators is the RSI Oscillator, which stands for relative strength index. The RSI is classified as a momentum oscillator, measuring the velocity and magnitude of directional price […]

Directional Strategies for Trading Volatile Markets

optionpub | October 4, 2022

After decades of trading most all major markets, I’ve learned that the key to trading success, in any type of market environment, really starts out with market direction. At Power Cycle Trading we use a Systematic Directional Trading System based on Directional Trading Indicators I designed to identify and signal directional price cycle changes and […]

Price Action Trading Strategies

optionpub | October 4, 2022

It’s always amazing to learn about the habits of successful traders. From the thousands of traders that I’ve coached over the years, some of these common habits are risk-avoidance, sound money management and the ability to keep emotions in check. But more importantly than having these habits is having the discipline to apply them consistently. […]

How to Trade the Opening Bell

optionpub | October 4, 2022

The past 30 years have seen great advances in charts.  In 1987, only brokers had charts, unless you took the pain staking task of drawing them out yourself. In the 1990’s we had the internet boom which made attaining charts much easier but many were end of day.  Toward the late ’90’s trading platforms supplied […]

How to Take a Pulse of the Markets Using These 5 Stocks

optionpub | October 4, 2022

How does a trader get a quick pulse of the market? There are indices and sectors galore along with way too much information. This adds up to information overload and not enough time to intelligently decipher the information into a meaningful trading strategy. After years of studying the markets and just plain experience in the […]

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